How to and where install OpenServerless
If you are in hurry and you think this guide is TL;DR (too long, don’t
read), please read at least our Quick Start
single page installation guide.
It gives you an overview of the installation process, omitting some more
advanced details. It can be enough to get you started and install
Once you want to know more, you can come back.
If you instead want the read the full documentation first, please read
Steps to follow
OpenServerless can be installed in many environments, using our powerful
command line interface ops
So you should start downloading the CLI from this
Once you installed ops
, before installing you need to check the
prerequisites for the installation, and satisfy
If the the prerequisites are OK, you can make your choices of what you
want to Configure your OpenServerless
Finally, once you have:
downloaded ops
satisfied the prerequisites
configured your installation
you can choose where to install, either:
Post Installation
After the installation, you can change later the configuration and
update the system.
If you have issues, please check:
1 - Quick Start
Fast path to install a self-hosted OpenServerless
Quick Start
This is a quick start guide to the installation process, targeting
experienced users in a hurry.
It provides a high-level overview of the installation process, omitting
advanced of details. The missing pieces are covered in the rest of the
Of course, if this guide is not enough and things fail, you can always
apply the rule: “if everything fails, read the manual”.
Start ensuring the prerequsites are satisfied:
Download and install ops
, the
OpenServerless CLI, picking version suitable for your environment.
We support 64-bit versions of recent Windows, MacOS and major Linux
Check that ops is correctly installed: open the terminal and write:
ops -info
Configure the services you want to enable. By default,
OpenServerless will install only the serverless engine, accessible
in http with no services enabled.
If you want to enable all the services, use:
ops config enable --all
otherwise pick the services you want, among --redis
, --mongodb
, --cron
, --postgres
. Note that --mongodb
is actually
FerretDB and requires Postgres which is
implicitly also enabled. More details here.
Now, choose where to install OpenServerless.
Your options are:
locally in your workstation;
in a Linux server in your intranet
in a Linux server available on Internet
in a Kubernetes cluster in your intranet
in cloud, where you can provision a Kubernetes
Local Installation
If you have a decent workstation (with at least 16GB of memory)
running a recent 64-bit operating system, you can install
Docker Desktop and
then install OpenServerless in it. Once you have:
installed the CLI
configured the services
installed Docker Desktop
Make sure Docker Desktop its running before the next operation. Install OpenServerless and its services in Docker with just this
ops setup devcluster
Once it is installed, you can proceed to read the
tutorial to learn how to code with it.
NOTE: At least 16GB of memory is ideal, but if you know what you’re
doing and can tolerate inefficiency, you can install with less using:
Internet Server Configuration
If you have access to a server on the Internet, you will know its IP
Many cloud providers also give you a DNS name usually derived by the IP
and very hard to remember such as
Once you got the IP address and the DNS name, you can give to your
server a bettername using a domain name
We cannot give here precise instructions as there are many DNS providers
and each has different rules to do the setup. Check with your chosen
domain name provider.
If you have this name, configure it and enable DNS with:
ops config apihost <dns-name> --tls=<email-address>
Replace the <dns-name>
with the actual DNS name, without using prefixes like http://
or suffixes like :443
. Also,
replace ` with your actual email address.
then proceed with the server installation.
Server Installation
Once you got access to a Linux server with:
An IP address or DNS name, referred to as <server>
Passwordless access with ssh
to a Linux user <user>
At least 8GB of memory and 50GB of disk space available
The user <user>
has passwordless sudo
The firewall that allows traffic to ports 80, 443 and 6443
Without any Docker or Kubernetes installed
Without any Web server or Web application installed
then you can install OpenServerless in it.
The server can be physical or virtual. We need Kubernetes in it but the
installer takes care of installing also a flavor of Kubernetes,
K3S, courtesy of
To install OpenServerless, first check you have access to the server
ssh <user>@<server> sudo hostname
You should see no errors and read the internal hostname of your server.
If you do not receive errors, you can proceed to install OpenServerless
with this command:
ops setup server <server> <user>
Replace in the commands <server>
with the address of your server, and
with the actual user to use in your server. The <server>
be the same as <dns-name>
you have configured in the previous
paragraph, if you did so, or simply the IP address of a server on your
Now wait until the installation completes. Once it is installed, you can
proceed to read the tutorial to learn how to
code with it.
Cloud Cluster Provisioning
If you have access to a cloud provider, you can set up a Kubernetes
cluster in it. The Kubernetes cluster needs to satisfy certain
prerequisites to be able to
install OpenServerless with no issues.
We provide the support to easily configure and install a compliant
Kubernetes cluster for the following clouds:
At the end of the installation you will have available and accessible a
Kubernetes Cluster able to install OpenServerless, so proceed with a
cluster installation.
Amazon AWS
Configure and install an Amazon EKS cluster on Amazon AWS with:
ops config eks
ops cloud eks create
then install the cluster.
Azure AKS
Configure and install an Azure AKS cluster on Microsoft Azure with:
ops config aks
ops cloud aks create
then install the cluster.
Google Cloud GKE
Configure and install a Google Cloud GKE with:
ops config gke
ops cloud gke create
then install the cluster.
Cluster Install
In short, if you have access to kubernetes cluster, you can install
OpenServerless with:
ops setup cluster
For a slightly longer discussion, checking prerequisites before
installing, read on.
Prerequisites to install
If you have access to a Kubernetes cluster with:
Access to the cluster-admin
Block storage configured as the default storage class
The nginx-ingress
Knowledge of the IP address of your nginx-ingress
you can install OpenServerless in it. You can read more details
You can get this access either by provisioning a Kubernetes cluster in
cloud or getting access to it from your system
Whatever the way you get access to your Kubernetes cluster, you will end
up with a configuration file which is usually stored in a file named
in your home directory. This file will give access to the
Kubernetes cluster to install OpenServerless.
To install, first, verify you have actually access to the Kubernetes
cluster, by running this command:
ops debug kube info
You should get information about your cluster, something like this:
Kubernetes control plane is running at
Now you can finally install OpenServerless with the command:
ops setup cluster
Wait until the process is complete and if there are no errors,
OpenServerless is installed and ready to go.
Once it is installed, you can proceed to read the
Tutorial to learn how to code with it.
2 - Download
Download OpenServerless with ops CLI
Download and Install ops
What is ops
As you can guess it helps with operations: ops is the OPenServerless CLI.
It is a task executor on steroids.
- it embeds task, wsk and a lot of other utility commands (check with ops -help)
- automatically download and update command line tools, prerequisites and tasks
- taskfiles are organized in commands and subcommands, hierarchically and are powered by docopt
- it supports plugins
The predefined set of tasks are all you need to install and manage an OpenServerless cluster.
Download links
You can install OpenServerless using its Command Line Interface, ops
Since we are in a preview phase, this is not an official link approved by the Apache Software Foundation.
Quick install in Linux, MacOS and Windows with WSL or GitBash:
curl -sL | bash
Quick install in Windows with PowerShell
irm | iex
After the installation
Once installed, in the first run ops
will tell to update the tasks
ops -update
This command updates the OpenServerless “tasks” (its internal logic) to the
latest version. This command should be also executed frequently, as the
tasks are continuously evolving and expanding.
will suggest when to update them (at least once a day).
You normally just need to update the tasks but sometimes you also need
to update ops
itself. The system will detect when it is the case and
tell you what to do.
Where to find more details:
For more details, please visit the Github page of Openserverless Cli
3 - Prerequisites
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless
This page lists the prerequisites to install OpenServerless in various
You can install OpenServerless:
for development in a single node environment,
either in your local machine or in a Linux server.
for production, in a multi node environment
provided by a Kubernetes cluster.
Single Node development installation
For development purposes, you can install a single node
OpenServerless deployment in the following environments as soon as the
following requirements are satisfied:
Our installer can automatically install a Kubernetes environment, using
K3S, but if you prefer you can install a single-node
Kubernetes instance by yourself.
If you choose to install Kubernetes on your server, we provide support
Multi Node production installation
For production purposes, you need a multi-node Kubernetes cluster
that satisfies those requirements,
accessible with its kubeconfig
If you have such a cluster, you can install
OpenServerless in a Kubernetes cluster
If you do not have a cluster and you need to setup one, we provide
support for provisioning a suitable cluster that satisfied our
requirements for the following Kubernetes environments:
Once you have a suitable Kubernetes cluster, you can proceed
installing OpenServerless.
3.1 - Local Docker
Install OpenServerless with Docker locally
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless with Docker
You can install OpenServerless on your local machine using Docker. This
page lists the prerequisits.
First and before all you need a computer with at least 16 GB of memory
and 30GB of available space.
8GB are definitely not enough to run OpenServerless on your local
Furthermore, you need to install Docker. Let’s see the which one to
install and configure if you have:
- Windows
- MacOS
- Linux
You require the 64 bit edition in Intel Architecture of a recent version
of Windows (at least version 10). The installer ops
does not run on 32
bit versions nor in the ARM architecture.
Download and install Docker
Desktop for Windows.
Once installed, you can proceed
configuring OpenServerless for the
You require a recent version of MacOS (at least version 11.xb BigSur).
The installer ops
is available both for Intel and ARM.
Download and install Docker
Desktop for MacOS.
Since MacOS uses a virtual machine for Docker with a constrained memory.
you also need also to reserve at least 8GB.
On MacOS, Docker defaults to 2GB memoery and they are definitely not enough to run
OpenServerless on your local machine.

Instructions to increase the memory reserved to Docker Desktopo on
Once installed, you can proceed
configuring OpenServerless for the installation.
Docker Desktop is available also on Linux, however we advice to install
instead the Server Docker
On Linux, the Docker Engine for the server does not run in a virtual
machine, so it is faster and uses less memory.
Once installed, you can proceed
configuring OpenServerless for the installation.
3.2 - Linux Server
Install OpenServerless in a Linux server
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless in a Linux server
You can install OpenServerless on any server either in your intranet or
on in Internet running a Linux distribution, with the following
You know the IP address or DNS name of the server on Internet or
in your Intranet.
The server requires at least 8GB of memory and 30GB of disk space
It should be running a Linux distribution supported by
You must open the firewall to access ports 80, 443 and 6443 (for
K3S) or 16443 (for MicroK8S) from your machine.
You have to install a
public ssh key to access it
without a password.
You have to configure
sudo to execute root
commands without a password.
You can:
Once you have such a server you can optionally (it is not required)
install K3S or
MicroK8S in it.
Once you have configured you server, you can proceed
configuring OpenServerless for the installation.
3.2.1 - SSH and Sudo
General prerequisites to install OpenServerless
If you have access to a generic Linux server, to be able to install
OpenServerless it needs to:
be accessible without a password with ssh
be able to run root commands without a password with sudo
open the ports 80, 443 and 6443 or 16443
If your server does not already satisfy those requirements, read below
for information how to create a sshkey,
configure sudo and open the firewall
Installing a public SSH key
To connect to a server without a password using openssh
(used by the
installer), you need a couple of files called ssh keys.
You can generate them on the command line using this command:
It will create a couple of files, typically called:
where ~
is your home directory.
You have to keep secret the id_rsa
file because it is the private key
and contains the information to identify you uniquely. Think to is as
your password.
You can copy the
in the server or even share it publicly,
as it is the public key. Think to it as your login name, and adding this
file to the server adds you to the users who can login into it.
Once you have generated the public key, access your server, then edit
the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
adding the public key to it.
It is just one line, contained in the
Create the file if it does not exist. Append the line to the file (as a
single line) if it already exists. Do not remove other lines if you do
not want to remove access to other users.
Configure Sudo
You normally access Linux servers using a user that is not root
(the system administrator with unlimited power on the system).
Depending on the system, the user to use to access be ubuntu
, admin
or something else entirely. However if you have
access to the server, the information of which user to use should have
been provided, including a way to access to the root
You need to give this user the right to execute commands as root
without a password, and you do this by configuring the command sudo
You usually have either access to root with the su
command, or you can
execute sudo
with a password.
Type either su
or sudo bash
to become root and edit the file
adding the following line:
where <user>
is the user you use to log into the system.
Open the firewall
You need to open the following ports in the firewall of the server:
For information on how to open the firewall, please consult the
documentation of your cloud provider or contact your system
administrator, as there are no common procedures and they depends on the
cloud provider.
3.2.2 - Server on AWS
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless in AWS
Provision a Linux server in Amazon Web Services
You can provision a server suitable to install OpenServerless in cloud
provider Amazon Web Services
ops as follows:
install aws
, the AWS CLI
get Access and Secret Key
configure AWS
provision a server
retrieve the ip address to configure a DNS name
Once you have a Linux server up and running you can proceed
configuring and
installing OpenServerless.
Installing the AWS CLI
Our cli ops
uses under the hood the AWS CLI version
so you need to dowload and install it following those
Once installed, ensure it is available on the terminal executing the
following command:
aws --version
you should receive something like this:
aws-cli/2.9.4 Python/3.9.11 Linux/5.19.0-1025-aws exe/x86_64.ubuntu.22 prompt/off
Ensure the version is at least 2.
Getting the Access and Secret key
Next step is to retrieve credentials, in the form of an access key and a
secret key.
So you need to:
You will end up with a couple of string as follows:
Sample AWS Access Key ID: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE Sample AWS Secret Access
Take note of them as you need them for configuring out CLI.
Before you can provision a Linux server you have to configure AWS typing
the command:
ops config aws
The system will then ask the following questions:
*** Please, specify AWS Access Id and press enter.
*** Please, specify AWS Secret Key and press enter.
*** Please, specify AWS Region to use and press enter.
To get a list of valid values use:
aws ec2 describe-regions --output table
Just press enter for default [us-east-1]:
*** Please, specify AWS public SSH key and press enter.
If you already have a public SSH key in AWS, provide its name here.
If you do not have it, generate a key pair with the following command:
The public key defaults to ~/.ssh/ and you can import with:
aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name nuvolaris-key --public-key-material --region=<your-region> fileb://~/.ssh/
Just press enter for default [devkit-74s]:
*** Please, specify AWS Image to use for VMs and press enter.
The suggested image is an Ubuntu 22 valid only for us-east-1
Please check AWS website for alternative images in other zones
Just press enter for default [ami-052efd3df9dad4825]:
*** Please, specify AWS Default user for image to use for VMs and press enter.
Default user to access the selected image.
Just press enter for default [ubuntu]:
*** Please, specify AWS Instance type to use for VMs and press enter.
The suggested instance type has 8GB and 2vcp
To get a list of valid values, use:
aws ec2 describe-instance-types --query 'InstanceTypes[].InstanceType' --output table
Just press enter for default [t3a.large]:
*** Please, specify AWS Disk Size to use for VMs and press enter.
Just press enter for default [100]:
Provision a server
You can provision one or more servers using ops
. The servers will use
the parameters you have just configured.
You can create a new server with:
ops cloud aws vm-create <server-name>
Replace <server-name>
with a name you choose, for example
The command will create a new server in AWS with the parameters you
specified in configuration.
You can also:
list servers you created with ops cloud aws vm-list
delete a server you created and you do not need anymore with
ops cloud aws vm-delete <server-name>
Retrieve IP
The server will be provisioned with an IP address assigned by AWS.
You can read the IP address of your server with
ops cloud aws vm-getip <server-name>
You need this IP when configuring a DNS name for
the server.
3.2.3 - Server on Azure
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless in Azure
You can provision a server suitable to install OpenServerless in cloud
provider Azure
ops as follows:
install az
, the Azure CLI
get Access and Secret Key
configure Azure
provision a server
retrieve the ip address to configure a DNS name
Once you have a Linux server up and running you can proceed
configuring and
installing OpenServerless.
Installing the Azure CLI
Our cli ops
uses under the hood the az,
command so you need to dowload and install it following those
Once installed, ensure it is available on the terminal executing the
following command:
az version
you should receive something like this:
"azure-cli": "2.64.0",
"azure-cli-core": "2.64.0",
"azure-cli-telemetry": "1.1.0",
"extensions": {
"ssh": "2.0.5"
Ensure the version is at least 2.64.0
Connect a subscription
Next step is to connect az
to a valid Azure subscription. Azure
supports several authentication methods: check
which one you prefer.
The easiest is the one described in Sign in interactively:
az login
This will open a browser and you will asked to login to you azure account. Once logged in, the az
command will be
automatically connected to the choosen subscription.
To check if the az
command is properly connected to your subscription, check the output of this command:
$ az account list --query "[].{subscriptionId: id, name: name, user:}" --output table
SubscriptionId Name User
------------------------------------ --------------------------- -------------------------
xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx Microsoft Azure Sponsorship
Before you can provision a Linux server you have to configure Openserverless for Azure typing
the command:
ops config azcloud
The system will then ask the following questions:
*** Please, specify Azure Project Id and press enter.
Azure Project Id: openserverless-k3s
*** Please, specify Azure Zone and press enter.
To get a list of valid values use:
az account list-locations -o table
Just press enter for default [eastus]:
Azure Zone:
*** Please, specify Azure virtual machine type and press enter.
To get a list of valid values, use:
az vm list-sizes --location <location> -o table
where <location> is your current location.
Just press enter for default [Standard_B4ms]:
Azure virtual machine type:
*** Please, specify Azure vm disk size in gigabyte and press enter.
Just press enter for default [50]:
Azure vm disk size in gigabyte:
*** Please, specify Azure Cloud public SSH key and press enter.
If you already have a public SSH key provide its path here. If you do not have it, generate a key pair with the following command:
The public key defaults to ~/.ssh/
Just press enter for default [~/.ssh/]:
Azure Cloud public SSH key:
*** Please, specify Azure Cloud VM image and press enter.
Just press enter for default [Ubuntu2204]:
Azure Cloud VM image:
Provision a server
You can provision one or more servers using ops
. The servers will use
the parameters you have just configured.
You can create a new server with:
ops cloud azcloud vm-create <server-name>
Replace <server-name>
with a name you choose, for example
The command will create a new server in Azure Cloud with the parameters
you specified in configuration.
You can also:
list servers you created with ops cloud azcloud vm-list
delete a server you created and you do not need anymore with
ops cloud azcloud vm-delete <server-name>
Retrieve IP
The server will be provisioned with an IP address assigned by Azure
You can read the IP address of your server with
ops cloud azcloud vm-getip <server-name>
You need this IP when configuring a DNS name for
the server.
3.2.4 - Install K3S
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless in K3S
Install K3S in a server
You can install OpenServerless as described
here, and you do not need to
install any Kubernetes in it, as it is installed as part of the
procedure. In this case it installs K3S.
Or you can install K3S in advance, and then proceed
configuring and then installing
OpenServerless as in any other Kubernetes
Installing K3S in a server
Before installing ensure you have satified the
prerequisites, most notably:
you know the IP address or DNS name
your server operating system satisfies the K3S
you have passwordless access with ssh
you have a user with passwordless sudo rights
you have opened the port 6443 in the firewall
Then you can use the following subcommand to install in the server:
ops cloud k3s create <server> [<username>]
where <server>
is the IP address or DNS name to access the server,
and the optional <username>
is the user you use to access the server:
if is not specified, the root
username will be used.
Those pieces of information should have been provided when provisioning
the server.
If you installed a Kubernetes cluster in the server this way, you should
proceed installing OpenServerless as in
a Kubernetes cluster, not
as a server.
The installation retrieves also a Kubernetes configuration file, so you
can proceed to installing it without any other step involved.
Additional Commands
In addition to create
the following subcommands are also available:
ops cloud k3s delete <server> [<username>]
uninstall K3S from the server
ops cloud k3s kubeconfig <server> [<username>]
retrieve the kubeconfig from the K3S server
ops cloud k3s info
: some information about the server
ops cloud k3s status
: status of the server
3.2.5 - Install MicroK8S
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless in K8S
Install MicroK8S in a server
You can install OpenServerless as
described here and you do not need to
install any Kubernetes in it, as it is installed as part of the procedure. In
this case it installs K3S.
But you can install MicroK8S instead, if you
prefer. Check here for informations about MicroK8S.
If you install MicroK8S in your server, you can then proceed
configuring and then installing OpenServerless
as in any other Kubernetes cluster.
Installing MicroK8S in a server
Before installing ensure you have
satisfied the prerequisites, most notably:
you know the IP address or DNS name
you have passwordless access with ssh
you have an user with passwordless sudo rights
you have opened the port 16443 in the firewall
Furthermore, since MicroK8S is installed using snap
, you also need to
install snap
While snap
is available for many linux distributions, it is typically
pre-installed and well supported in in Ubuntu and its derivatives. So we
recommend MicroK8S only if you are actually using an Ubuntu-like Linux
If you system is suitable to run MicroK8S you can use the following
subcommand to install in the server:
ops cloud mk8s create SERVER=<server> USERNAME=<username>
where <server>
is IP address or DNS name to access the server, and
is the user you use to access the server.
Those informations should have been provided when provisioning the
If you installed a Kubernetes cluster in the server in this way, you
should proceed installing OpenServerless as in
a Kubernetes cluster, not as a server.
The installation retrieves also a kubernets configuration file so you
can proceed to installing it without any other step involved.
Additional Commands
In addition to create
you have available also the following
ops cloud mk8s delete SERVER=<server> USERNAME=<username>
uninstall K3S from the server
ops cloud mk8s kubeconfig SERVER=<server> USERNAME=<username>
retrieve the kubeconfig from the MicroK8S server
ops cloud mk8s info
: informations about the server
ops cloud mk8s status
: status of the server
3.3 - Kubernetes Cluster
Install OpenServerless in a Kubernetes cluster
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless in a Kubernetes cluster
You can install OpenServerless in any Kubernetes cluster which
satisfy some requirements.
Kubernetes clusters are available pre-built from a variety of cloud
providers. We provide with our ops
tool the commands to install a
Kubernetes cluster ready for OpenServerless in the following
You can also provision a suitable cluster by yourself, in any cloud or
on premises, ensuring the prerequites are satisfied.
Once provisioned, you will receive a configuration file to access the
cluster, called kubeconfig
This file should be placed in ~/.kube/config
to give access to the
If you have this file, you can check if you have access to the cluster
with the command:
ops debug kube info
You should see something like this:
Kubernetes control plane is running at
Once you have got access to the Kubernetes cluster, either installing
one with out commands or provisioning one by yourself, you can proceed
configuring the installation and then
installing OpenServerless in the
3.3.1 - Amazon EKS
Prerequisites for Amazon EKS
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless in an Amazon EKS Cluster
Amazon EKS is a pre-built Kubernetes
cluster offered by the cloud provider Amazon Web
You can create an EKS Cluster in Amazon AWS for installing using
OpenServerless using ops as follows:
install aws
, the AWS CLI
get Access and Secret Key
configure EKS
provision EKS
optionally, retrieve the load balancer address to
configure a DNS name
Once you have EKS up and running you can proceed
configuring and installing
Installing the AWS CLI
Our cli ops
uses under the hood the AWS CLI version
so you need to dowload and install it following those
Once installed, ensure it is available on the terminal executing the
following command:
aws --version
you should receive something like this:
aws-cli/2.9.4 Python/3.9.11 Linux/5.19.0-1025-aws exe/x86_64.ubuntu.22 prompt/off
Ensure the version is at least 2.
Getting the Access and Secret key
Next step is to retrieve credentials, in the form of an access key and a
secret key.
So you need to: * access the AWS console following those
create an access key and secret key, * give to the credentials the
minimum required permissions as described
here to build an EKS
You will end up with a couple of string as follows:
Sample AWS Access Key ID: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE Sample AWS Secret Access
Take note of them as you need them for configuring out CLI.
Once you have the access and secret key you can configure EKS with the
command ops config eks
answering to all the questions, as in the
following example:
$ ops config eks
*** Please, specify AWS Access Id and press enter.
*** Please, specify AWS Secret Key and press enter.
*** Please, specify AWS Region to use and press enter.
To get a list of valid values use:
aws ec2 describe-regions --output table
Just press enter for default [us-east-2]:
*** Please, specify AWS public SSH key and press enter.
If you already have a public SSH key in AWS, provide its name here.
If you do not have it, generate a key pair with the following command:
The public key defaults to ~/.ssh/ and you can import with:
aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name nuvolaris-key --public-key-material --region=<your-region> fileb://~/.ssh/
Just press enter for default [nuvolaris-key]:
*** Please, specify EKS Name for Cluster and Node Group and press enter.
Just press enter for default [nuvolaris]:
*** Please, specify EKS region and press enter.
To get a list of valid values use:
aws ec2 describe-regions --output table
Just press enter for default [us-east-1]:
*** Please, specify EKS number of worker nodes and press enter.
Just press enter for default [3]:
*** Please, specify EKS virtual machine type and press enter.
To get a list of valid values, use:
aws ec2 describe-instance-types --query 'InstanceTypes[].InstanceType' --output table
Just press enter for default [m5.xlarge]:
*** Please, specify EKS disk size in gigabyte and press enter.
Just press enter for default [50]:
*** Please, specify EKS Kubernetes Version and press enter.
Just press enter for default [1.25]:
Provisioning Amazon EKS
Once you have configured it, you can create the EKS cluster with the
ops cloud eks create
It will take around 20 minutes to be ready. Please be patient.
At the end of the process, you will have access directly to the created
Kubernetes cluster for installation.
Retrieving the Load Balancer DNS name
Once the cluster is up and running, you need to retrieve the DNS name of
the load balancer.
You can read this with the command:
ops cloud eks lb
Take note of the result as it is required for
configuring a dns name for your cluster.
Additional Commands
You can delete the created cluster with: ops cloud eks delete
You can extract again the cluster configuration, if you lose it,
reconfiguring the cluster and then using the command
ops cloud eks kubeconfig
3.3.2 - Azure AKS
Prerequisites for Azure AKS
Prerequisites to install OpenServerless in an Azure AKS Cluster
Azure AKS is a pre-built Kubernetes
cluster offered by the cloud provider Microsoft Azure.
You can create an AKS Cluster in Microsoft Azure for installing using
OpenServerless using ops as follows:
install az
, the Azure CLI
configure AKS
provision AKS
optionally, retrieve the load balancer address to
configure a DNS name
Once you have AKS up and running you can proceed
configuring and installing
Installing the Azure CLI
Our CLI ops
uses under the hood the Azure
CLI, so you need to
dowload and install it
following those instructions.
Once installed, ensure it is available on the terminal executing the
following command:
az version
you should receive something like this:
"azure-cli": "2.51.0",
"azure-cli-core": "2.51.0",
"azure-cli-telemetry": "1.1.0",
"extensions": {}
Before provisioning your AKS cluster you need to configure AKS with the
command ops config aks
answering to all the questions, as in the
following example:
$ ops config aks
*** Please, specify AKS Name for Cluster and Resource Group and press enter.
Just press enter for default [nuvolaris]:
*** Please, specify AKS number of worker nodes and press enter.
Just press enter for default [3]:
*** Please, specify AKS location and press enter.
To get a list of valid values use:
az account list-locations -o table
Just press enter for default [eastus]:
*** Please, specify AKS virtual machine type and press enter.
To get a list of valid values use:
az vm list-sizes --location <location> -o table
where <location> is your current location.
Just press enter for default [Standard_B4ms]:
*** Please, specify AKS disk size in gigabyte and press enter.
Just press enter for default [50]:
*** Please, specify AKS public SSH key in AWS and press enter.
If you already have a public SSH key provide its path here. If you do not have it, generate a key pair with the following command:
The public key defaults to ~/.ssh/
Just press enter for default [~/.ssh/]:
Provisioning Azure AKS
Once you have configured it, you can create the AKS cluster with the
ops cloud aks create
It will take around 10 minutes to be ready. Please be patient.
At the end of the process, you will have access directly to the created
Kubernetes cluster for installation.
Retrieving the Load Balancer DNS name
Once the cluster is up and running, you need to retrieve the DNS name of
the load balancer.
You can read this with the command:
ops cloud aks lb
Take note of the result as it is required for
configuring a dns name for your cluster.
Additional Commands
You can delete the created cluster with: ops cloud aks delete
You can extract again the cluster configuration, if you lose it,
reconfiguring the cluster and then using the command
nuv cloud aks kubeconfig
3.3.3 - Generic Kubernetes
Prerequisites for all Kubernetes
Kubernetes Cluster requirements
OpenServerless installs in any Kubernetes cluster which satisfies the
following requirements:
at least 3 worker nodes with 4GB of memory each
support for block storage configured as default storage class
support for LoadBalancer services
the nginx ingress
already installed
the cert manager already installed
Once you have such a cluster, you need to retrieve the IP address of the
Load Balancer associated with the Nginx Ingress. In the default
installation, it is installed in the namespace nginx-ingress
and it is
called ingress-nginx-controller
In the default installation you can read the IP address with the
following command:
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get svc ingress-nginx-controller
If you have installed it in some other namespace or with another name,
change the command accordingly.
The result should be something like this:
ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer 80:30898/TCP,443:31451/TCP 4d1h
Take note of the value under EXTERNAL-IP as you need it in the next
step of installation, configuring DNS.
4 - Configure OpenServerless
Configuring OpenServerless Installation
This section guides configuring the OpenServerless installation.
Note that you can also skip this configuration, and install
OpenServerless without any configuration.
Once you configure the installation, you can proceed to
Install OpenServerless.
You can then reconfigure the system later.
Minimal Configuration
Without any configuration, you get a minimal OpenServerless:
You can:
4.1 - DNS and SSL
Configuring DNS and SSL
Configuring DNS and SSL
You can use OpenServerless as just as a serverless engine, and use the
default IP or DNS provided when provisioned your server or cluster. If
you do so, only http is avaialble, and it is not secure.
If you want your server or cluster is available with a well-known
internet name, you can associate the IP address or the “ugly”
default DNS name of serveres or clusters to a DNS name of your choice,
to use it also to publish the static front-end of your server.
Furthermore, once you decided for a DNS name for your server, you can
enable the provisioning of an SSL certificate so you server will be
accessible with https
In order to configure the DNS and the SSL the steps are:
retrieve the IP address or the the DNS name of your
server or cluster
register a DNS name of your choice with your
registration name provider
configure OpenServerless so he knows of the DNS and
SSL and can use it
Retrieving the IP address or the DNS name
If OpenServerless is installed in your local machine with Docker, cannot
configure any DNS nor SSL, so you can proceed configuring the
If OpenServerless is installed in a single server, after you
satisfied the server prerequisites you will
know the IP address or DNS name of you server.
If OpenServerless is installed in a Kubernetes cluster, after you
satisfied the server cluster prerequisites
you know either the IP address or the DNS name of the load balancer.
Register a DNS name or wildcard
Using the address of your server or cluster, you need either to
configure a DNS name your already own or contact a domain name
registrar to register a
new DNS name dedicated to your server or cluster.
You need at least one DNS name in a domain you control, for example
that points to you IP or address.
Note that:
If you have an IP address to your load balancer you need to
configure an A
record mapping
to the IP
address of your server.
If you have a DNS name to your load balancer, you need to configure
record mapping
to the DNS name of
your server.
If you are registering a dedicated domain name for your cluster, you are
advised to register wildcard name (*
) for every domain name in
will resolve to your server.
Registering a wildcard is required to get a different website for for
multiple users.
Once you registrered a single DNS (for example
or a wildcard DNS name (for example *
) you can communicate
to the installer what is the main DNS name of your cluster or server, as
it is not able to detect it automatically. We call this the <apihost>
If you have registered a single DNS name, like
use this name as <apihost>
If you have registered a wildcard DNS name, you have to choose a DNS
name to be used as <apihost>
We recommended you use a name starting with api
since to avoid
clashes, user and domain names starting with api
are reserved. So if
you have a *
wildcard DNS available, use
as your <apihost>
Once you decided what is your API host, you can configure this as
ops config apihost <apihost>
This configuration will assign a well know DNS name as access point of
your OpenServerless cluster. However note it does NOT enable SSL.
Accessing to your cluster will happen using HTTP.
Since requests contain sensitive information like security keys, this is
highly insecure. You hence do this only for development or testing
but never for production.
Once you have a DNS name, enabling https
is pretty easy, since we can
do it automatically using the free service Let's Encrypt
. We have
however to provide a valid email address <email>
Once you know your <apihost>
and the <email>
to receive
communications from Let’s Encrypt (mostly, when a domain name is
invalidated and needs to be renewed), you can configure your apihost and
enable SSL as follows:
ops config apihost <apihost> --tls=<email>
Of course, replace the <apihost>
with the actual DNS name you
registered, and <email>
with your email address
4.2 - Services
Configure OpenServerless services
Configuring OpenServerless services
After you satisfied the prerequisites and
before you actually install OpenServerless, you
have to select which services you want to install:
Static, publishing of static assets
Redis, a storage service
MinIO an object storage service
Postgres a relational SQL database
FerretDB A MongoDB-compatible adapter for Postgres
You can enable all the services with:
ops config enable --all
or disable all of them with:
ops config disable --all
Or select the services you want, as follows.
Static Asset Publishing
The static service allows you to publish static asset.
you need to setup a a wildcard DNS name
to be able to access them from Internet.
You can enable the Static service with:
ops config enable --static
and disable it with:
ops config disable --static
Redis, is a fast, in-memory key-value store, usually
used as cache, but also in some cases as a (non-relational) database.
Enable REDIS:
ops config enable --redis
Disable REDIS:
ops config disable --redis
MinIO is an object storage service
Enable minio:
ops config enable --minio
Disable minio:
ops config disable --minio
Postgres is an SQL (relational) database.
Enable postgres:
ops config enable --postgres
Disable postgres:
ops config disable --postgres
FerretDB is a MongoDB-compatible adapter for
Postgres. It created a document-oriented database service on top of
Since FerretDB uses Postgres as its storage, if you enable it, also the
service Postgresql will be enabled as it is required.
Enable MongoDB api with FerretDB:
ops config enable --mongodb
Disable MongoDB api with FerretDB:
ops config disable --mongodb
5 - Install OpenServerless
Installation Overview
This page provides an overview of the installation process.
Before installation
Please ensure you have:
Core Installation
Once you have completed the preparation steps, you can proceed with:
The install process will notify nuvolaris creators with the type of installation (for example: clustered or server installation), no other info will be submitted. If you want to disable the notification, you can execute the following command before the setup command:
Post installation
After the installation, you can consult the development guide
for informations how to reconfigure and update the system.
If something goes wrong, you can check:
5.1 - Docker
Install OpenServerless on a local machine
Local Docker installation
This page describes how to install OpenServerless on your local machine. The
services are limited and not accessible from the outside so it is an
installation useful only for development purposes.
Before installing, you need to:
The static service works perfectly for the default namespace nuvolaris which is linking the http://localhost to the
nuvolaris web bucket. With this setup adding new users will add an ingress with host set to
namespace.localhost, that in theory could also work if the host file of the development machine is configured
to resolve it to the ip address.
You cannot have https
in a local installation.
If you enable it, the configuration will be ignored.
Run the commands:
- Minimal configuration
Behind the scene, this command will write a cluster configuration file called ~/.ops/config.json
activating these
services: static
, redis
, postgres
, ferretdb
, minio
, cron
constituting the common baseline for development
- Setup the cluster
and wait until the command terminates.
Click here to see a log sample of the setup
ops setup devcluster
Creating cluster "nuvolaris" ...
✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.25.3) 🖼
✓ Preparing nodes 📦 📦
✓ Writing configuration 📜
✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
✓ Installing CNI 🔌
✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
✓ Joining worker nodes 🚜
✓ Waiting ≤ 1m0s for control-plane = Ready ⏳
• Ready after 1s 💚
Set kubectl context to "kind-nuvolaris"
You can now use your cluster with:
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-nuvolaris --kubeconfig /Users/bruno/.ops/tmp/kubeconfig
Thanks for using kind!
The log will continue because, after kind is up and running, OpenServerless namespace and relative services are
installed inside.
It will take some minute to complete, so be patient.
Usually the setup completes without errors.
However, if ops
is unable to complete the setup, you may see this message at the end:
ops: Failed to run task "create": exit status 1
task execution error: ops: Failed to run task "create": exit status 1
ops: Failed to run task "devcluster": exit status 1
task execution error: ops: Failed to run task "devcluster": exit status 1
If this is your case, try to perform a uninstall / reinstall:
ops setup cluster --uninstall
ops config reset
ops config minimal
ops setup devcluster
If this will not solve, please contact the community.
Post install
Check the tutorial to learn how to use it.
To uninstall you may:
Uninstall devcluster
This will actually remove the ops namespace and all the services from kind.
Useful to re-try an installation when something gone wrong.
ops setup cluster --uninstall
ops config reset
Remove devcluster
This will actually remove the nodes from kind:
ops setup devcluster --uninstall
5.2 - Linux Server
Install on a Linux Server
Server Installation
This page describes how to install OpenServerless on a Linux server
accessible with SSH.
This is a single node installation, so it is advisable only for
development purposes.
Before installing, you need to:
install the OpenServerless CLI ops;
provision a server running a Linux operating system,
either a virtual machine or a physical server, and you know its IP address
or DNS name;
configure it to have passwordless ssh access and sudo rights;
open the firewall to have access to ports 80, 443 and 6443 or 16443
from your client machine;
configure the DNS name for the server and choose
the services you want to enable;
If the prerequisites are satisfied, execute the dommand:
ops setup server <server> <user>
Replace in the command before <server>
with the IP address or DNS name
used to access the server, and <user>
with the username you have to
use to access the server
Wait until the command completes and you will have OpenServerless up and
Post Install
ops setup server <server> <user> --uninstall
5.3 - Kubernetes cluster
Install OpenServerless on a Kubernetes Cluster
Cluster Installation
This section describes how to install OpenServerless on a Kubernetes Cluster
Before installing, you need to:
If you have a Kubernetes cluster directly accessible with its
configuration, or you provisioned a cluster in some cloud using ops
embedded tools, you just need to type:
ops setup cluster
Sometimes the kubeconfig includes access to multiple Kubernetes
instances, each one identified by a different <context>
name. You can
install the OpenServerless cluster in a specified <context>
ops setup cluster <context>
Post Install
ops setup cluster --uninstall
6 - Troubleshooting
How to diagnose and solve issues
This document gives you hints for diagnostics and solving issues, using
the (hidden) subcommand debug
Note it is technical and assumes you have some knowledge of how
Kubernetes operates.
While installing, you can watch the installation (opening another
terminal) with the command:
ops debug watch
Check that no pods will go in error while deploying.
You can inspect the configuration with the ops debug subcommand
API host: ops debug apihost
Static Configuration: ops debug config
Current Status: ops debug status
Runtimes: ops debug runtimes
Load Balancer: ops debug lb
Images: ops debug images
You can inspect logs with ops debug log
subcommand. Logs you can show:
operator: ops debug log operator
ops debug log foperator
controller: ops debug log controller
ops debug log fcontroller
database: ops debug log couchdb
ops debug log fcouchdb
certificate manager: ops debug log certman
(continuously: ops debug log fcertmap
You can detect which Kubernetes are you using with:
ops debug detect
You can then inspect Kubernetes objects with:
namespaces: ops debug kube ns
nodes: ops debug kube nodes
pod: ops debug kube pod
services: ops debug kube svc
users: ops debug kube users
You can enter a pod by name (use kube pod
to find the name) with:
ops debug kube exec P=<pod-name>
Usually, ops
uses a hidden kubeconfig so does not override your
Kubernetes configuration.
If you want to go more in-depth and you are knowledgeable of Kubernetes,
you can export the kubeconfig with ops debug export F=<file>
You can overwrite your kubeconfig (be aware there is no backup) with
ops debug export F=-